
Teaching support

This method will first teach you to "let go".

Everybody has been talking for quite a few years about letting go, which became very fashionable!
In a first step we will actually work on that. I say work because it is a real work in progress. Letting go is an intimate relationship with the unknown and the unexpected. The unknown often makes us afraid. But we get lost in trying to control everything. Many of our woes stem from that. In fact it is what we believe we control that makes us unhappy.
When we let go we are open to all possibilities, this opening allows us to go beyond ourselves, beyond our conscious. And at that moment we feel we are part of everything, that we are not alone in the world. It is very important.

When we want to control (feel what this word does to you, in your belly, there is a kind of tension, isn’t it?) we are alone, we reject foreign aid and even the help from our inner guidance. It is our mind that wants.

In this course, you will have nothing to show, nothing to prove, nothing to compare, nothing to judge ... you will just need to be who you are.
This method will make you pay attention to what you feel in your body. If what I am saying now has some resonance with your own truth, if this sounds simple, if you enter with joy, freedom, enthusiasm, then it is possible that this is what you need to do for yourself, for your personal advancement.

On the other hand, if this sounds rather tedious and complicated, then listen to your feelings and choose to go and do something light and cheerful elsewhere.

In your body, your feeling is an expression of your soul and your soul is your guide. You are masters ... which means that you are aligned, that your ego is aligned with your divine personality.

This method also allows to unify the masculine and feminine side in you, to balance it .... It will also make you recognize your dark sides, your shadows, and to love them as they are part of us. In a painting, are the shadows less beautiful than the bright spots? Don’t they serve to show the light?

Gradually, as we move forward, you will increasingly be confident in your ability to hear your inner guidance. You will go increasingly to the bottom of yourself and your feelings.

Let me be clear: here there is only one master and that master is you! I am only guiding you on your path. I have just been trained to recognize in you the way you operate.

At first we will use the technique « gouache » and do many exercises that are designed to make you let go of the mind. While useful, the mind is too often used in Western countries at the expense of intuition. We spend a lot of time trying to calm this little inner voice, which is already very shy and would like to make us feel things differently. This method allows this little voice to be heard more clearly !

Often times I will invite you to talk about your emotions, your fears, and potential blockages. This is to recognize them, go through them, but certainly not to ignore them. You will be able to use your own discernment ! You will learn to love yourself more, no longer seeking to be what you think you should be, no longer « showing yourself », but simply « being yourself ». You will learn to simply be who you are.
